Success Stories
Rosemary had been employed at various workshops in the St Louis area. In each of the job placements she was unsuccessful for various personal and vocational reasons. After coming to Canterbury Enterprises two years ago, her employment here has been successful due to the supports she gets from staff in helping her learn skills that have helped her develop good work ethics, acquire new job skills, build her confidence and improve her interpersonal skills.
Roni has worked at Canterbury Enterprises for four years. She would not be able to work without the personal care assistance provided to her or the special adaptations needed to help her do her job. Providing these special set of circumstances to assist her in completing job tasks and meeting basic personal needs has enhanced Roni’s self confidence and has allowed her highly motivated personality to be reflected in the tenacity in which she displays when completing tasks.
Kevin H. was a participant in the Special School District co-op program and has been employed here at Canterbury for nine years. He is a hard worker and loves to stay busy. He looks for ways to be helpful especially during down time like sweeping, emptying trash cans and breaking down boxes. Even though Kevin is non-verbal and has physical limitations that sometimes requires the use of adaptations to assist him in doing assigned tasks, he finds ways to rise above the very things that could restrict him and demonstrates his highly motivated and determined personality.
Victor struggled with fitting in at another area workshop, which was quite large and structured. Due to some behavior issues, the workshop had to let him go. When Victor began working at Canterbury, he seemed to have little interest in working or interacting appropriately with his peers. He frequently slept at his workstation and seemed opposed to any direction from supervisors when asked to complete a task. It turned out that Victor just needed to gain some self-confidence and self worth before investing his time and energy in learning to succeed at various jobs. Within months, after involving Victor in some training and ownership of his efforts, he has become an extremely productive employee and is a caring friend to his co workers. He comes in ready to work and feels valued. Victor’s father said that one day they may consider reviewing the possibility of competitive employment.
Corey joined Canterbury Enterprises directly after completing his Special School District program. His parents always knew that Corey had many splinter skills but didn’t know what type of job he could obtain after he turned 21. Having a diagnosis of Autism and lacking appropriate verbal skills (while often exhibiting obsessive compulsive behaviors), it appeared unlikely to his parents that he would find a job. Corey came to Canterbury on a 2-day-a-week basis while staff was determining how well he would adjust to this environment. After a few months, Corey began taking on additional (and more complicated jobs) to everyone’s pleasant surprise. Although he doesn’t initiate much communication with his peers, he is learning to interact more with staff and is now responding in his own way to his coworkers. His parents indicate that he is always ready to come to work and greets everyone smiling each day.
Rose had been attending a DMH funded day program five days a week but had been asking to earn some money. She lives at a group home in the city and needed to be out of the home during the work day. At 52 years old, she didn’t have much work experience but was very interested in participating in this workshop, so Canterbury staff decided to have her come on a trial basis ( three days per week). Her residential staff and her day staff didn’t have much optimism about this trial arrangement, but Rose has proven herself to be extremely reliable and tenacious, even when having some challenges in learning some of the jobs. Canterbury staff has now identified the specific tasks that Rose performs well and she takes a lot of pride in her work. This opportunity has increased Rose’s self-esteem and self-worth.